nk cell therapy in solid tumorshungary no longer a democracy Posted March 13, 2023

But what it does in the realm of cancer spread is creepier still. 2013;15(10):1297306. Through several preclinical studies, researchers have discovered new guardian immune cells called chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified natural killer (NK) cells, which show cytotoxic activity against various solid tumor types. The natural cytotoxic receptor NKp46 is also often used to identify mouse and human NK cells in combination with the absence of CD3 expression. N Engl J Med. Transcription factors involved in the regulation of natural killer cell development and function: an update. developed an NK cell recruiting protein-conjugated antibody (NRPbody) containing a mesothelin-specific tumor targeting domain Meso-scFv and the chemokine CXCL16 linked by a furin cleavage sites [90]. Phase I/II clinical trials are ongoing to evaluate the safety and efficacy of NK cell combined with nimotuzumab to treat late-stage malignancies (NCT03554889) and of NK cell infusion on patients with advanced malignant tumors following multi-line therapies (NCT03619954). 2006;107(1):15966. Jennifer Wu. 2015;38(1):2436. Cookies policy. Human NK cell development: one road or many? WebNK cell-mediated control of large solid tumors is usually not efficient, although tumors often express high amounts of activating ligands and low levels of inhibitory ligands, Rubnitz JE, et al. Regulatory considerations for NK cells used in human immunotherapy applications. Due to their innate ability to eliminate tumor cells, NK cell-based immunotherapies against cancer have been investigated for decades. GSK3 inhibition drives maturation of NK cells and enhances their antitumor activity. WebFurther pharmacodynamic studies in tumor-free mice revealed superior proliferative and cytotoxic functions on NK cells after RLI treatment compared with IL-15 alone. Join us for this live, CME-certified symposium featuring an expert discussion of TROP2- and HER3-targeted antibody-drug conjugates and their current use in treating patients with solid tumors, including lung and breast cancers. Phase I study of cord blood-derived natural killer cells combined with autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma. NK cell represents a specialized immune effector cell population equipped with fast-acting and potent anti-tumor capacity. Webwith a high chance of succeeding in solid cancer therapy. So far, NK cell therapies havent shown any of the significant toxicities that plague CAR T cell therapies. Cichocki F, Grzywacz B, Miller JS. 2010;651:6177. NK cells can trigger target cell death by releasing cytotoxic granules containing granzymes and perforin and through death receptor-mediated pathways (e.g., FasL/Fas) [11]. A model for the differentiation of human natural killer cells. The ability of Natural Killer (NK) cells to kill tumor targets has been extensively studied in various hematological malignancies. Allaoui R, et al. Cancer Immunol Res. Muller N, et al. J Immunother Cancer. Development of cMET-specific chimeric antigen receptor-engineered natural killer cells with cytotoxic effects on human liver cancer HepG2 cells. Mol Immunol. 2016; 8(357): p. 357ra123. However, the dose of NK cells being used for therapy is limited. 2018;48(6):110417. Liu E, et al. With the new era of cancer immunotherapy, the use of Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cells has been applied with other possible approaches like NK (natural Tri-functional NK cell engagers (NKCEs), which crosslink both NKp46 and CD16, have demonstrated superior in vitro and in vivo anti-tumor activities compared to conventional monoclonal antibodies targeting the same antigens [81]. 2009;373(9674):155061. Topfer K, et al. Conventional NK cells are short-lived innate lymphocytes that lack antigen specificity. Using irradiated autologous PBMCs and anti-CD16 mAb, Lee et al. Autologous natural killer cell therapy for human recurrent malignant glioma. J Hematol Oncol 14, 7 (2021). Chu J, et al. In this review, we provide our current understandings of NK cell biology, ongoing pre-clinical and clinical development of NK cell-based therapies and discuss the progress, challenges, and future perspectives. In response to the mounting data on this emerging therapy, the present paper provides a thorough review of the technical issues, molecular background and current preclinical and clinical data associated with CAR-NK cell applications in cancer treatment. NK cells expressing a chimeric activating receptor eliminate MDSCs and rescue impaired CAR-T cell activity against solid tumors. Google Scholar. This clearance for SNK02 is an important milestone in our pursuit to bring life-changing therapies to cancer patients and will be our second clinical NK cell therapy Beyond engineering and priming NK cells, there are ongoing efforts toward improving tumor infiltration of adoptively transferred NK cells by modifying the chemokinechemokine receptor axis. NK cells engineered to express a GD2 -specific antigen receptor display built-in ADCC-like activity against tumour cells of neuroectodermal origin. A first-in-human clinical trial of CAR NK-92 cells in 3 patients with relapsed or refractory AML showed that CAR NK-92 can be infused at doses up to 5 billion cells per patient without causing significant adverse effects [149]. 2017;130(16):185768. Phase I study of random healthy donor-derived allogeneic natural killer cell therapy in patients with malignant lymphoma or advanced solid tumors. This method resulted in a 1,560-fold expansion of NK cells with a purity of 92.37% after 21days of ex vivo culture[107]. Spanholtz J, et al. Recently, the differentiation method was also established in adherent monolayer cultures [108]. Front Immunol. In the xenograft models, NK cell infusion combined with intraperitoneal injection of the NRPbody significantly reduced tumor burden as compared to NK infusion combined with the non-cleavable control [90]. Herein we highlight current evaluations for hematological malignancies and solid tumors. EMBO J, 2019; 38(12). PubMed 2013;73(8):2598607. Webgeneration NK cell therapies. WebThese antibodies are currently used in clinical trials in the treatment of both hematological and solid tumors. New research by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center molecular biologist Ami Yamamoto in the Cheung Lab, shows that a tumors necrotic core a mass of dying and dead cells previously thought to be inconsequential or perhaps even Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):13288. 2018;32(2):52031. 2020. J Transl Med. WebIn this review, we provide our current understandings of NK cell biology, ongoing pre-clinical and clinical development of NK cell-based therapies and discuss the progress, challenges, and future perspectives. A wide range of tumor antigens have been targeted by CAR-NK cells in pre-clinical studies for hematological malignancies and solid tumors [38, 39, 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76]. Muller S, et al. PLoS ONE. An antibody designed to improve adoptive NK-cell therapy inhibits pancreatic cancer progression in a murine model. Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation and adoptive immunotherapy with activated natural killer cells in the immediate posttransplant period. Nat Rev Immunol. IL15 Trispecific Killer Engagers (TriKE) Make natural killer cells specific to CD33+ targets while also inducing persistence, in vivo expansion, and enhanced function. Kang L, et al. A phase I trial of adoptive transfer of allogeneic natural killer cells in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. This protocol created a possibility to generate a substantially higher number of NK cells from a single dose of peripheral blood [131] and is currently in phase I/II clinical trial (NCT01787474) with expanded haploid-identical NK cells for treating relapsed or refractory AML. Oncoimmunology. J A good manufacturing practice method to ex vivo expand natural killer cells for clinical use. Front Immunol. Shah N, et al. Cells, 2020; 9(2). Natural killer (NK) cells have potential as a cellular anticancer therapy that could be significantly safer, cheaper, and faster, researchers say. NK cells are cytotoxic against a wide range of tumor cells of solid cancer types in vitro. It yielded a greater than 1000-fold expansion of NK cells after 3weeks of culture [38, 125, 126]. Distinct from T cells, there is no master transcriptional factor that controls NK cell development. J Immunother Cancer. 2013;15(2):231-241.e1. More recent evidence had indicated that NK cells can also develop and mature at secondary lymphoid organs, including tonsils, spleen, and lymph nodes [19]. 2017;28(10):88696. Yang Y, et al. 2010;28(6):9559. A simple method for in vitro preparation of natural killer cells from cord blood. Blood. However, there are many challenges to overcome, such as difficulty to meet clinical-grade ex vivo expansion, limited in vivo persistence, limited infiltration to solid tumors, and tumor editing to evade NK cell activity. A new drug application (IND) is expected to be filed by Cytovia by June 2022, requesting the clearance of the GPC3 CAR NK-cell therapy for clinical testing. It is currently believed that the success of adoptive transfer requires the creation of a lymphopenic environment to provide a niche for donor cells to survive and proliferate. The exhausted T cells or NK cells in the tumor microenvironment exhibit imbalanced Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) is an engineered synthetic receptor of CAR-T, which give T cells the ability to recognize tumor antigens in a human leukocyte antigen-independent (HLA-independent) manner and enables them to recognize more extensive target NK cells possess advantageous characteristics, including non-MHC-restricted recognition, ability to infiltrate Wang J, et al. It is believed that membrane-bound interleukins are able to stimulate the expansion of NK cells more effectively than the soluble form. Biol Blood Marrow Transpl. With the subcutaneous hypopharyngeal tumor xenograft model, it was shown that CXCR1-expressing CAR-NK cells had enhanced tumor infiltration and tumor control as compared to control CAR-NK cells [54]. Nham T, et al. Correspondence to Cancer Manag Res. The current source and characteristics of NK cells for immunotherapies, expansion, and activation approaches are given in Tables 3 and 4. Vallera DA, et al. (3) NK cells act as a bridge between the anti-tumor antibodies IgG1 and IgG3, whereby Fab specifically recognizes the tumor while the Fc segment binds to the The book is a valuable resource for cancer researchers, oncologists, graduate students and those interested in learning more about novel strategies to treat cancer patients. CNDO-109-NK cells were found well tolerated without occurrence of dose-limiting toxicities [89]. Freud AG, et al. As an alternative to CAR-T cell therapy, CAR-NK cell therapy not only circumvents these challenges but also presents additional major advantages: (i) the ability to use unlimited allogeneic NK source without concern of GVHD [6, 31, 32]; (ii) the potential to generate off-shelf product with NK cell line or iPSC-NK [37,38,39,40,41]; (iii) relatively shortened production time; iv) recognition and killing tumor cells through NK cell native receptors independent of the CAR engineering [42], less likely allowing disease escape through downregulation of the CAR antigens as shown with CAR-T cell therapy [37]. 2018;65:38-48.e1. Here, we review advances in current approaches to optimizing the NK cell antitumor response including combination with other immunotherapies, cytokines, checkpoint inhibition, and engineering NK cells with chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) for the treatment of pediatric solid tumors. Google Scholar. Front Med (Lausanne). Thorac Cancer 2017;8:329. J Cell Mol Med. Cytokine-free directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells efficiently produces hemogenic endothelium with lymphoid potential. J Clin Oncol. Innate lymphoid cells: a proposal for uniform nomenclature. Ex vivo-expanded highly purified natural killer cells in combination with temozolomide induce antitumor effects in human glioblastoma cells in vitro. Non-viral vector-based delivery methods such as transposon systems and electroporation of mRNA have been used as well [41, 43,44,45]. Shaping of natural killer cell antitumor activity by ex vivo cultivation. Ruggeri L, et al. Stem Cell Reports. Current preclinical development of NK cell-based therapy was largely inspired by early clinical studies. Fehniger TA, et al. Immunotherapy is a breakthrough in the systemic treatment of malignant tumors, including HCC. The linear model proposes that CD56 marks a transition from immature into a more mature status and that immature CD56bright NK cells further differentiate into mature CD56dim populations in human [19, 24]. NK cells are a key member of the innate immune system, and while they have some similarities to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in term of killing features, they have an extra intrinsic capability to detect and kill transformed/mutant cells independent of specific antigen recognition processes indicating MHC-unrestricted cytotoxicity done with Google Scholar. Hemolytic anemia due to passenger lymphocyte syndrome in solid malignancy patients treated with allogeneic natural killer cell products. Hassan R, Ho M. Mesothelin targeted cancer immunotherapy. CAS Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):2815. Ascorbic acid promotes proliferation of natural killer cell populations in culture systems applicable for natural killer cell therapy. Mol Ther. PLoS ONE. Block copolymer-boron cluster conjugate for effective boron neutron capture therapy of solid tumors. Notably, certain tissues such as the mucosal barriers possess subsets of recently identified innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) that also share canonical markers of NK cells. Hambach, J., et al., Targeting CD38-expressing multiple myeloma and Burkitt lymphoma cells in vitro with nanobody-based chimeric antigen receptors (Nb-CARs). Adenosine impairs the anti-tumor functions of both T and NK cells [43]. Methods Mol Biol. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):14916. CAS J Immunol. The IL-15-based ALT-803 complex enhances FcgammaRIIIa-triggered NK cell responses and in vivo clearance of B cell lymphomas. 2011;17(19):628797. NKG2D, an activating NK cell receptor, can bind to eight different stress-induced ligands that are naturally expressed on 80% of hematological and solid cancer The cleavable CXCL16 containing NRPbody was shown to promote NK cell migration in vitro and infiltration into the tumor sites in vivo in xenografted mouse models of orthotopic and metastatic pancreatic cancer [90]. There has been an explosion of NK-based immunotherapies in pre-clinical development and clinical development. Lysis of fresh and cultured autologous tumor by human lymphocytes cultured in T-cell growth factor. Source: Liu, S., Galat, V., Galat4, Y. et al. Necrotic core even the name sounds creepy. Google Scholar. However, CAR-T therapy has two major challenges: (i) requirement of a substantiate length of time to generate a therapeutic dose of autologous CAR-T cells which limits its feasibility to treat patients with rapidly progressing diseases; (ii) difficulty to obtain sufficient number of autologous T cells for CAR-T cell generation from heavily pre-treated and often lymphopenic cancer patients [37]. 2018; 23(2): 181192. WebCancer immunotherapy has achieved great success in the past few years. The success has encouraged many ongoing clinical investigations of NK cell-based cancer therapy alone or in combination with other regimes. 2019;120(1):615. Romee, R., et al. Intraperitoneal delivery of human natural killer cells for treatment of ovarian cancer in a mouse xenograft model. Using allogeneic NKs for adoptive transfer without expansion after a short overnight incubation with cytokines was shown to be sufficient to activate NK cells and enhance their cell cytotoxicity against tumor targets [86]. Sakamoto N, et al. 2007;178(1):8594. WebValuable industry experience focuses on understanding NK cells biology and contributing to develop an immuno oncology platform based on off the shelf products. J Transl Med. 2012;209(13):235165. 2018;23(2):181-192.e5. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. demonstrated a more than 500-fold NK expansion with over 98% purity within 2weeks and a greater than 5000-fold NK expansion over a 3-week period [147]. Recently, several groups demonstrated that mouse and human NK cells pre-activated with a cocktail of IL-12/15/18 had enhanced and sustained anti-tumor effector functions in vitro and in vivo after infusion [84,85,86]. In the clinical setting, each batch requires validation, which results in additional lag time before a patient receives infusion. Preactivation with IL-12, IL-15, and IL-18 induces CD25 and a functional high-affinity IL-2 receptor on human cytokine-induced memory-like natural killer cells. With the ongoing effort to improve the treatment response and new methods of generating more feasible clinical scales of NK cells, emerging clinical trials are being designed to evaluate these new modalities and to expand their indications. 2018;67(4):57587. 2014;32(4):102131. Liu E, et al. Nat Rev Immunol. 2012;7(1):e30264. Different from events required for T cell activation, NK cell activation is governed by the interaction of NK receptors with target cells, independent of antigen processing and presentation. J Immunol Res. It has been shown that freshly isolated, resting NK cells are generally less lytic as compared to NK cells primed via various strategies [82]. Based on the pre-clinical findings, CTV-1 lysate-primed human NK cells (CNDO-109-NK cells) derived from HLA-haploidentical donors were evaluated for safety in a phase I clinical trial (NCT01520558) in high-risk AML patients with AML after first complete remission [89]. The adoptive transfer of natural killer (NK) cells is an emerging therapy in the field of immuno-oncology. The antigen recognition domain usually consists of a single-chain fragment (scFV) molecule derived from a monoclonal antibody, and nanobody-based constructs have been used in limited studies to date [72]. Mol Immunol. For example, there is an ongoing phase 2 clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of human HLA-haploidentical hematopoieticcelltransplantation (HCT) followed by an early, post-transplant infusion of donor NKcells (NCT02100891). Chapter 5 Cordyceps as an Herbal Drug Bao-qin Lin and Shao-ping Li. Sci Transl Med. Clinical application of CAR-NK cell therapy in solid tumors. Blood. Natural killer cells: development, maturation, and clinical utilization. Ditadi A, Sturgeon CM, Keller G. A view of human haematopoietic development from the Petri dish. BMC Immunol. Synergistic effects of cabozantinib and EGFR-specific CAR-NK-92 cells in renal cell carcinoma. NK cells are infrequently seen in tumor biopsies. Natural killer (NK) cells are an essential part of tumor immunosurveillance, evidenced by higher cancer susceptibility and metastasis in association with diminished NK activity in mouse models and clinical studies [1,2,3]. 2015;15:1011. Front Immunol. Article Natural killer cells stimulated with PM21 particles expand and biodistribute in vivo: clinical implications for cancer treatment. Nat Immunol. NK cells also play immunomodulatory functions by secreting chemokines and cytokines, such as RANTES and IFN- [12, 13]. Phillips JH, Lanier LL. NK cells are found both in blood at levels of 5%-15% of circulating lymphocytes and in various lymphoid and non-lymphoid organs such as the spleen, lung, and liver [17, 18]. 2015;17(5):61320. Lotze MT, et al. 2017;19(2):23549. Bryceson YT, et al. 2018;2018:4263520. Science. WebFirst described in the 1970s, NK cells have been a promising tool in the field of adoptive immunotherapy ( 34 ). Front Immunol. J Cytotherapy. 2020;12:324755. Despite decades of work, the ontogeny of NK cells in humans is still not fully elucidated. 2016;18(5):65363. Li Q, et al. The current in-development BiKEs or TrikEs simultaneously engage with CD16 and tumor antigens, thereby inducing the formation of immune synapses and NK-mediated ADCC [79]. 2013;53(2):41923. 3D model for CAR-mediated cytotoxicity using patient-derived colorectal cancer organoids. DAP12-based activating chimeric antigen receptor for NK cell tumor immunotherapy. In allogeneic transfer settings, the concept of KIR and HLA mismatches between donor and recipient was the original strategy aimed at enhancing the activation of donor NK cells to eradicate patients tumor cells. Ojo EO, et al. Tanaka Y, et al. Leukemia. Two CD19-targeting CAR-T products were approved by the FDA for treatment of B cell lymphomas and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Google Scholar. The exciting results from Liu et al. Emerging insights into natural killer cells in human peripheral tissues. Rosario M, et al. PubMed Miller JS, et al. Immunity. 2B4 costimulatory domain enhancing cytotoxic ability of anti-CD5 chimeric antigen receptor engineered natural killer cells against T cell malignancies. There are a number of ongoing clinical trials for cancer immunotherapy using engineered iPSC-NK cells, which are summarized in the following sections. Glyostems lead candidate NK cell therapy is currently being tested in a phase 1/2a trial for the treatment of the blood cancer acute myeloid leukemia. Engineering natural killer cells for cancer immunotherapy. Google Scholar. Early clinical trials have demonstrated the overall safety of NK cell infusion, even in the allogeneic setting [4,5,6,7]. reported that a CD16/IL-15/CD33 TriKE not only enhances NK-mediated immunity against CD33+ targets, but also promotes the in vivo persistence, activation, and survival of NK cells by delivering IL-15 [80]. Despite promising results shown in hematologic tumors, immunotherapies for the treatment of solid tumors have mostly failed so far. Current challenges When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Chang YH, et al. 2015;38(5):197210.

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nk cell therapy in solid tumors